Keeping extra flashlights is a must. Portable power packs are so inexpensive now that they make a great addition to any family emergency kit.

No matter where you live, we are all susceptible to many different natural or man-made disasters. Having the right emergency equipment for you and your family is essential.

Portable lights and power are always a necessity in case of emergencies. When it comes to flashlights, you definitely get what you pay for. You can spend a few bucks to get an adequate flashlight, but it may not be ready when you need it most. I don’t like spending a lot of money on something like a flashlight, but when you need it most you would pay just about anything for it to work.

There are flashlights that don’t need batteries. Some you wind to generate their power and others you shake. It is not a bad idea to always have one of these.

With today’s ever-growing technology items, emergency recharging of all of our technology gadgets has also become a necessity.

Portable power packs are a very handy method of having a portable power supply. Most are a portable battery power pack that has an AC DC power supply to provide light or recharge items anywhere. Some have a radio built in, jumper cables, mini air compressors, and just about any other feature you can imagine. These battery power packs need a charge either from home or from the car and they are ready to take anywhere to provide a power source that you need.

These mobile power packs are great to have around and really come in handy during power outages, to provide light or recharge phones when camping , when you need air for tires, to jump a dead battery, and so many other uses.